Monday, March 31, 2014

Scotchy Scotch Scotch

Since I am unable to do this blog weekly, due to the inability to logically accept eating a pint of ice cream a week, I stock up on pints. This pint has been in my freezer for two weeks and has been waiting for tasting.

Scotchy Scotch Scotch Verdict:

The memory for this pint is simple… Cameron. Cameron and I spent MANY hours on the couch watching TV and movies. What was one of the movies we watched a lot? Anchor Man. Not going to lie, I had never seen the movie before then. Now that has changed. But if you knew Cameron you would know it was rare to start a movie and finish it. This was no exception. I still haven’t seen it from beginning to end. Maybe I will finally do so in the future.

Butterscotch Ice Cream with Butterscotch Swirls

Butterscotch is a tricky flavor to master because at times it can be over powering. If you like butterscotch in those situations then this flavor is for you. If you’re like me and don’t like it so prominent then this flavor isn’t for you. Being the sweet addict that I am one would easily assume that I would like Scotchy Scotch Scotch because it, itself, is sweet to the limits. Biting into the butterscotch ice cream was refreshing, but when you hit the swirls of butterscotch it became too damn sweet. The swirl is too sugary for my liking. The only way that I can describe it is to having a coffee at Dunkin Donuts. When you order a coffee and Dunkin and ask for sugar you are literally feeling the sugar grains between your teeth. That folks is the butterscotch swirl in this flavor. It is too much and too grainy as a whole. I would easily prefer just having the butterscotch ice cream as it is. Now I feel like I need to brush my teeth and drink a gallon of water to rehydrate myself.

Why am I giving it a 3 start and not a 2? Truly, only because the memories associated with the main character bring back memories. Memories that will never be lost, unless I am senile at an older age, which helped define me as a person. I am allowing the memory of a Cameron help elevate the raking of an additional star.


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Hazed & Confused Core

As I was standing in the freezer section, one of my favorite places in the grocery store, I was taking inventory on the available flavors on the shelves. There was this woman doing the same and she grabbed only one pint…I looked at here and said, “They are on sale two for $7, you need to grab another.” Don’t worry; she walked out with two pints after a team effort for the second flavor. So to restart this ONCE AGAIN, I found it appropriate to start with one of Ben & Jerry’s new creations.

Hazed & Confused Core Verdict:

We might have some new readers to the blog so I will give some background information. After each tasting I write a review that is totally bias and pointless. But, this entire blog is only here for pure entertainment. The blueprint to every review is the same: 1) Opens with the journey of picking the flavor. 2) Reflection on some sort of memory that the flavor sparks. 3) My very bias and pointless review. 4) The star ranking, 1-5 of course.

Anything hazelnut always reminds me the first time I went to Italy. We were there for 6.5 weeks when we were 14 with our grandparents. There was a hazelnut bush that climbed the fences outside the house we rented, from the Priest of course. Every day we would walk out to see if any hazelnuts were ready for picking. Our grandparents finally told us after a couple weeks that it was not hazelnut season. They ruined our dreams of the summer. Obviously just joking, it was the most amazing experience of my life.

Chocolate & Hazelnut Ice Creams with Fudge Chips & a Hazelnut Fudge Core

Once in a while we all need a little spark in our lives to restart. Whether it is that new find at the book store; the new “love” interest that walks in our life or in my case, Ben & Jerry’s newest adventure in their amazing journey of being Vermont’s Finest. Well, Vermont’s Finest will always be "Blueberry Pancakes", but that’s another blog so enjoy searching for that post on here.

Back to the review! The first obstacle that I came upon was whether I should scoop it or just eat it out from the carton. Because it’s mid-day I decided to be civilized and scoop it. The premise was to be able to enjoy every aspect of the flavors in one bite; I am here to tell you that they succeeded. It has always been a very solid suggestion that I have made on many flavors that some flavors are superb just in their simplicity. Chocolate and hazelnut are the PERFECT combination to begin with then something magic happens…You hit the fudge core. Done, over and out! The best description I can give of this flavor is “A little bit country and a little bit Rock N’ Roll.” The first bites are very calm and collective and when that fudge core hits your taste buds ones reaction is like: Damn, girl this party just got started! I can go on with many more comparisons and reactions, but I will leave that all for you to have on your own.

If the remainder of these new core flavors have the same WOW moments on my taste buds all I can say it….Bring it!

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