Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Vanilla Caramel

Well this is the last pint that I have left from my “stash” that I bought two months ago. Starting next week I will have to use my scientific method of picking my flavor of the week…. and I am talking about the ice cream, not boys.

Vanilla Caramel Fudge Verdict:

When I think anything Caramel I always think of my youngest sister Juliann aka Jewels.. When we hit up Starbucks she always gets a Caramel Frappuccino, with EXTRA caramel. Now that I write Caramel, I realized it is one of those words that people usually ask… How do you say caramel? I pronounce it Care-a-mel!

Vanilla Ice Cream with Swirls of Caramel & Fudge

I have realized along this journey that I enjoy the simplicity in things. The simple, right to the point flavors are the ones that I enjoy most. We sometimes get caught up in the moment that we need to have this and that in something in order to make it enjoyable. But like the saying says, too many cooks in the kitchen spoil the soup. And I think that can be said as well for ingredients. We don’t always need the hoopla of so much. The things I enjoyed so much about this flavor is the fact that it’s simple. It showcases the two main flavor caramel and fudge in a very artistic way that the taste buds enjoy it.

I have to say that I love that I can relate, so far a majority, of the flavors to some type of memory. I am one of those people who always put a scent, a taste or an image to a memory. I think food is so much more than just there to eat, it’s there to bring people together, make memories and traditions. In our family all the important things happen in the kitchen. When my brother said he was getting married, when I came out to my parents and where we find ourselves when cooking and baking is happening in the house. Oh and if the walls could talk, they would have A LOT of go


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

This is my old standby for Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavors. Glad you love it too!