I have once again stumbled upon an “Exclusive Flavor”…. The thing I have learned so far in the process is that there are exclusive flavors at different locations. Have I found a list of these flavors? No! Hence the reason I keep stumbling across them. This weeks flavor was found at Wal-Mart. I even found where not to buy Ben & Jerry’s, RALPHS! They are too damn expensive. Target is a good store as is Vons.
Blueberry Cheesecake Verdict:
I am not a fan of cheesecake, so this was one of those flavors where I wasn’t going to expect much. And luckily I kept my expectations low.
Blueberry & Cheesecake Ice Creams with a Thick Graham Cracker Swirl
As I sit here, trying to recall a time in my life where blueberry cheesecake came into play, I'm blank. It doesn’t exist in my world of memories. I have a memory of blueberry pancakes in Vermont, but that’s about as far as I can get. So I will give you that memory instead…it’s a fun one at that.
While in Vermont this past June I attended a family wedding where I enjoyably consumed what I am going to call a “personal” size bottle of Jack Daniels. Luckily for me, I don’t get hung over, but I was HUNGRY. After calling to the room across the hall to see if my cousin Kim and her boyfriend Andrew wanted to go get food, and getting no answer I took matters into my own hands…. I meet people all over the place, and I met a friend out there and we met up for breakfast at this little café down town. I stayed with the safe bet of an omelet and he got a side a blueberry pancakes. Well the pancakes looked DAMN good, so I stole some off his plate. MMMM good. So I know blueberry pancakes and blueberry cheesecake are COMPLETELY different, but whenever I see blueberries it brings back that memory. And I guess that’s what food is all about, bringing back the memories connected to a certain food or scent. And I can oddly remember the smell of those blueberry pancakes smothered in syrup.
Ok, so here is my final say. Stay clear of this carton. The blueberry was WAY overpowering and even though refreshing, it was just blah. Quick, simple and easy. Sorry to disappoint if you were looking for a better review, but with something as simple as this flavor there isn’t much to say except, DISLIKE!
Thank God my memory of blueberry pancakes was way better than this blueberry cheesecake flavor.

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