Sometimes I want ice cream on Fridays, and sometimes I want to indulge on Thursdays. Well this week I wanted to start my weekend a little early. Yes, I still have to work tomorrow, but we are almost there. When I saw this flavor my first thoughts flashed back to my visit with my cousin Jen and her AWESOME family in Swansea, Massachusetts…Literally a jump and a skip across the Rhode Island state border. Even though I was only there for the night, and the following day, they sure did treat me to a lot of delicious treats. I do have to say that my favorite memory was when we were roasting marshmallows and making s’mores with my little cousins James and Lukas. Lukas kind of abandoned the whole s’more making process and just attacked the chocolate while carrying a marshmallow in his hand. I think he figured, if I have parts of the s’more in my hand I could eat all the chocolate I want. Lol. But even when Jen went in the house to clean up she specifically told Steve, her husband, no more chocolate for Lukas. Well your secret is safe with me Steve, and I wont tell her you allowed him to have more.
S’mores Verdict:
Where to start? S’mores are a universal campfire treat…Just the basic ingredients of a marshmallow, a square of chocolate slammed between two graham crackers halves. Roast the marshmallow to your own preference of tenderness and let the chocolate melt….MMMM good. It’s gooey, messy and just a remembrance of childhood.
Chocolate Ice Cream with Fudge Chunks, Toasted Marshmallow & a Graham Cracker Swirl!
I LOVE Chocolate so when I opened the container to find that it was chocolate heaven I was super stoked to jump in. I do have to give a fair warning, if you aren’t fond of chocolate, on chocolate, on chocolate I would pass this in your freezer section. And after a previous flavor, Karamel Sutra, which was truly “chocolate overkill” this was over board too, but I LOVED it. Was it the flavor that we have all grown to love? Sadly it wasn’t…It was missing the marshmallows and the graham crackers. I know they were in there, because the labels said so. But give me a break; those fools need to put more marshmallows and graham cracker swirl in. Occasionally I would get a taste of the graham cracker within the chocolate, and I enjoyed it, but the marshmallows were completely absent. MORE MARSHMALLOWS & GRAHAM CRAKERS!
Minus the “missing” ingredients, I would allow myself to get lost in this carton anytime I needed chocolate in my life. Ok I lied, I would allow this carton a home in my freezer anytime it found its way into my grocery cart.
Thanks Jen and Steve for the great memories. And even though I know Lukas probably doesn’t remember who I am anymore…. and I know this because after his nap and bedtime I had to treat the kid like he had amnesia. He acted like he had never seen me before. So we would start with a high-five and go from there. And I am sure James remembers who I am, because he got to camp out in his brothers room when I took over his room for the evening.

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