Friday, August 3, 2012

Vanilla Heath Bar Crunch

I had a first this time when I went to the grocery store. I thought I was bad at picking a flavor. This time around there were two other people there, the guy got in and got out (that’s what she said), the woman, well that’s a different story. This woman was literally diving through the freezer trying to find different flavors. I was there for about five minutes trying to figure out what I wanted. I literally had to almost step on her and reach over and grab my pint as she was scavenging through the bottom shelf. Needless to say, she was still there when I departed. PICK A FLAVOR WOMAN!

Vanilla Heath Bar Crunch Verdict:

No real stories come from Heath Bars for me, except I like them.

Vanilla Ice Cream with Chunks of Heath® Bar

I’m not going to lie; the “chunks” in the description scared me a bit because we all know how Ben & Jerry’s use their chunks in flavors, sometimes by over powering and clearly taking chunky too literally. Well I am glad to report that they did have chunks in the simple vanilla ice cream, and I enjoyed them. I don’t think simple could possibly describe the vanilla ice cream used. I’m not a big fan of vanilla ice cream because I can at times find them too boring and uninteresting to my taste buds. Something about the vanilla recipe they use is just PERFECT. I don’t want to go too much into it because they do just have vanilla that I still need to taste.

My only negative is….wait for it… not chunky enough. I felt that I wanted more chunks or more bites of Heath Bar in each bite. What can I say? My ice cream preferences change as often as my preferences in guys. You have to tackle each with time and patience. And obviously not judge a “flavor” by their “description”.


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