Thursday, February 16, 2012

Everything but the...

As I was standing in the freezer section this morning and staring at all the flavors it became all a blur. I could look at some and say…YEP had that one…and then others I just couldn’t tell you if I had them or fantasized about them. I need to make a mini list for my phone so this never happens again. .

Everything but the…Verdict:

I have NO memory recollection for this flavor or any of the contents in it.

A Collision of Chocolate & Vanilla Ice Creams mixed with Peanut Butter Cups Heath Bar Chunks, White Chocolate chunks & Fudged Covered Almonds

This wasn’t just a collision of the above flavors. This is that fiery crash that closes the freeway and causes the onlookers on the opposite side of the freeway to slow and look at what is happening. We obviously know what’s happened, so is there a need to slow down and observe? NO!

I have to admit I was excited to try this flavor…. then “it” happened. I opened the lid and the first thing I saw was that damn Peanut Butter Cup. The memories of Peanut Butter Cup came back rushing in and all I could think was…Damn, the peanut butter cups are too big. Basically the same issue happened again. I found everything they said was in there except the Heath Bar Chunks. I am not sure where they went. I would have to say the sometimes there is a thing known as TOO MUCH! This is a prime example. You had this, that and everything else in between in this pint. Everything stood out, but not for the good reasons.

I won’t say it was a horrible flavor. It just wasn’t my flavor.


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