Friday, October 7, 2011

Schweddy Balls

Disclaimer: Janna, please read this before you relay it onto mom this week. If you find it appropriate for her viewing pleasure then read it to her. ...If not, make something up. My sister reads the blog to my mom every week and they anticipate my arrival home Friday nights

Well this weeks challenge was that…a challenge. I went to TEN different grocery stores trying to find this holiday special. I’ve walked up and down so many different freezer sections I feel like I should enter some sort of rehab. But I did feel special as I entered the aisle every time because as I walked down the aisle all the lights in the freezers turned on. Every few steps lit up another section. It was like I was a celebrity, lights flashing everywhere.

Schweddy Balls Verdict:

I know a thing or two about balls…. And I am going to tell you from the get go… I’ve had better. I mean come on! This Saturday Night Live skit was built around inappropriateness and underlying humor. So when I heard of the new flavor, I couldn’t wait to get Pete Schweddy’s balls in my mouth. I expected more with his balls…but then again, I have been disappointed before.

Vanilla Ice Cream with a Hint of Rum & Loaded with Fudge Covered Rum & Malt Balls

Honestly feel like I drove all around God’s green earth for nothing. You know that empty feeling you have after you did something you shouldn’t had done…yeah, that’s how I feel right now. The vanilla was surprisingly strong and not what I expected. Then when you mix the ice cream and the malt ball together into one combination in your mouth, it tasted like you were eating a more solid form of eggnog. Don’t get me wrong, I like my seasonal eggnog addiction, but it shouldn’t be included in my ice cream.

The only logical way I can sum this up in one statement is…. You know when you see someone and think; DAMN they are going to be good in the sack! And then after your roll in they hay you think…. That was BELOW par. Yep, that’s Pete Schweddy’s Balls in a nutshell.

If you can’t find this limited batch don’t worry, you’re not missing much.


1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Well, it's been decided - no Schweddy balls for me. And thanks for that vivid glimpse into your dirty mind :)