Earlier this week I stumbled across the Ben & Jerry’s Euphori-Lock…I have to say, it basically made my entire week. I no longer will have to worry about placing my pint in the freezer at home, because I can now safely lock it up and walk away. But my mom and sister told me, “Your lock can’t stop us…we’ll just go through the bottom of the carton”…Game on ladies.
Cinnamon Buns Verdict:
Zia Shawn recommended this weeks flavor to me and I wanted to say thank you from the get go. We spent A LOT of time over at her house growing up and have a lot of fond memories at their home… I have to say that one of my fondest memories with Zia Shawn would have to be when I was around 15-16. She took my cousin Krissy and I to the mall and I remember we were sitting in the back seat of their van driving through the parking lot when all off a sudden she rolled down her window. As we looked out across the parking lot we saw kids around our age walking with their pants sagging way too low for Zia Shawn’s liking. Out of the blue she yells out the window, “Hey boys, pull your pants up!” That’s all it took for me an Krissy to quickly slide down in our seats and pray we could just get out of there. Love you Zia Shawn!
Caramel Ice Cream with Cinnamon Bun Dough & a Cinnamon Streusel Swirl
I can only compare this to the mall phenomenon of the “bakery” known as CinnaBun. It’s difficult to walk by that place anytime I walk by the food court because the smell of the warm-gooey frosting, flowing down the sides of a cinnamon bun is heavenly.
After I ate more of the ice cream I was able to compare it to my favorite cereal growing up…Cinnamon Toast Crunch. My favorite was after I finished the cereal, I got to drink the milk that had all the cinnamon sugar that came off the squares. And when I want to indulge, I do still fancy myself a good ole bowl on Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Ok done going down memory lane, the final verdict.
I have to say, if you removed the Cinnamon Bun Dough this would be the perfect flavor. My one and only complaint about the bun dough would have to be the granulated sugar that got stuck between your teeth after eating it. I did enjoy it, but I feel like I need to go brush my teeth now because I know my dentist wouldn’t be happy. If you are not a big sugar person I would stay clear. For some it may be too sweet…and honestly, I will eat it again, but after just that one scoop I have a stomachache from all the sugar. But the Caramel Ice Cream with the Cinnamon Streusel Swirl is amazing on its own. Unlike the cookie dough, where that’s the highlight in Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, I would have to say that the Cinnamon dough doesn’t follow in its footsteps. I can manage to easily eating 3 at the most.

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